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ΤΙΤΛΟΣ Connectivity with Minoan mountain farmers: Protopalatial roads and paths in the Agios Nikolaos area
ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕΑΣ Beckmann Sabine
ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Αγγλικά / English
ΛΕΞΕΙΣ ΚΛΕΙΔΙΑ Minoan roads; Middle Minoan landscape; Cretan Bronze Age transportation; Minoan Protopalatial mountain settlement
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Along the moun­tain slopes west of Agios Niko­laos (be­tween 600 and 1400 m), over 330 farms of the Mi­noan Old Palace pe­ri­od1 and their re­la­tion­ship to the sur­round­ing land­scape were stud­ied by the au­thor for her PhD the­sis (Beck­mann 2012). These Bronze Age in­sta­la­tions also had – apart from house ru­ins – well dis­cernible wall-en­closed court­yards and an­i­mal folds, in many ways char­ac­ter­is­tic of mixed agri­cul­tural moun­tain farms un­til re­cently. Most of them also had very long (of­ten over 1 km) bound­ary walls (“periv­o­loi”). Usu­ally the houses and walls were built us­ing mas­sive stones (“on­col­ithic ma­sonry”2) and are thus of­ten well rec­og­niz­able un­til to­day.

One of the re­mark­able fea­tures of the land­scape sur­round­ing these farms, dat­a­ble (by sur­face pot­tery) to have been built be­tween ca. 2000 and 1650 B.C., is a great num­ber of roads and paths (over 140 km in to­tal), bor­dered and thus iden­ti­fi­able by these an­cient walls on one or two sides, some­times also fur­nished with a cob­ble­stone sur­face and even steps. When drawn on a map these “roads” con­sti­tute an in­tri­cate net­work of con­nec­tions be­tween sites and to­wards the re­gions be­yond the set­tled slopes.

In this pa­per ex­am­ples of the Mi­noan roads/paths and their typ­i­cal land­scape fea­tures and con­struc­tion de­tails are dis­cussed, as well as the ques­tion what in­for­ma­tion can be gained by their study, on con­nec­tiv­ity in Mi­noan Pro­topala­tial north-east­ern Crete.