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ΤΙΤΛΟΣ Μετακινήσεις ιεραρχών της Εκκλησίας της Κρήτης για εκπαιδευτικούς σκοπούς
ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕΑΣ Κυριατζή Αντωνία
ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ελληνικά / Greek
ΛΕΞΕΙΣ ΚΛΕΙΔΙΑ Εκκλησία Κρήτης, μετακινήσεις ιεραρχών, μητροπολίτης, επίσκοπος
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During the long history of the Church of Crete many significant figures emerged. Continuities and discontinuities in the course of the island’s history influenced their quests for a theological education. From the 8th century with Andrew of Crete, who received theological education within the borders of the Byzantine Empire, Crete passed through the periods of the Arab rule (824-961), the 2nd Byzantine period (961-1204), Venetian rule (124-1645) and the Turkish occupation (1645-1898) up until the Liberation. During the period of Turkish rule many ecclesiastical figures traveled mostly to Constantinople, to study at the theological Faculty of Chalki, to Jerusalem, to study at the theological Faculty of the Holy Cross, and to Kiev, for the Theological Academy of Kiev. The destinations were diversified after the formation of the modern Greek state and the founding of the Theological School of Athens, and later of Thessaloniki. Historical, political and social changes determined the movement and quests for theological education of many ecclesiastical figures of the Church of Crete.