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TITLE Το «κύπελλο τύπου Κεφτιού» στη Ζάκρο: ένα εξωγενές στοιχείο με χρονολογική σημασία;
AUTHOR Κυρίτση Μαρία
LANGUAGE Ελληνικά / Greek
PUBLISH DATE 19.04.2019
KEYWORDS Κύπελλο τύπου Κεφτιού/Βαφειού, Ζάκρος, «Ζωγράφος των λεπτότεχνων σπειρών», νεύρωση, δακτύλιος
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The ar­ti­cle pre­sents seven cups of the “Keftiu type” which were found in the palace and the set­tle­ment of the LM IB site in Kato Za­kros. Two cups are fully pre­served, while of the other five only frag­ments have sur­vived. The spe­cific type of cup is thought to be quite rare in Crete and pro­duced from MM IIIB un­til LM IA. On the con­trary, nu­mer­ous cups were found in Main­land Greece, Kythera, and the Cy­clades. In the case of Za­kros, re­search has re­vealed a big con­trast: un­like the other Mi­noan “Keftiu cups” which are sup­posed to last only un­til LM IA, those from Za­kros were found in se­cure LM IB con­texts. More specif­i­cally, they be­long to pot­tery groups with var­i­ous ogi­val cups, frag­ments of the “Ma­rine Style”, jugs with splat­ter dec­o­ra­tion of ir­reg­u­lar flecks of paint, etc. Also, a “Keftiu cup” from Za­kros seems to re­pro­duce the shape of type III, which is the lat­est de­vel­op­ment of the shape and has never been found be­fore in Crete. This late evo­lu­tion of the “Keftiu cup” was dis­cov­ered in the palace of Za­kros, to­gether with other pots which have LH IIA par­al­lels from the Pelo­pon­nese. Lastly, an­other “Keftiu cup” frag­ment seems to be a prod­uct of a Knoss­ian work­shop and more specif­i­cally of the “Lit­tle Spi­ral Painter”. Most of his prod­ucts were found in Knos­sos, but oth­ers were dis­cov­ered at the sites of Palaikas­tro and Akrotiri, Thera. All these ob­ser­va­tions could lead to the con­clu­sion that the chrono­log­i­cal clas­si­fi­ca­tion of the Mi­noan “Keftiu cup” has to be re­con­sid­ered and this work may also lead to the re­vi­sion of other chrono­log­i­cal de­tails.