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TITLE Χαμαλεύρι Ρεθύμνου: H χωρική μετακίνηση, ένδειξη κοινωνικού μετασχηματισμού της μινωικής εγκατάστασης;
AUTHOR Παπαδοπούλου Ελένη
LANGUAGE Ελληνικά / Greek
PUBLISH DATE 05.07.2019
KEYWORDS μινωικός, οικιστική εγκατάσταση, μετακίνηση, συνειδητή επιλογή, μετασχηματισμός, κοινωνική δομή
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The Mi­noan habi­ta­tion was grad­u­ally ex­ca­vated by the 25th Ephor­ate of Pre­his­toric and Clas­si­cal An­tiq­ui­ties, dur­ing the pe­riod 1991-2011 in the Stavromenos-Hamalevri area, east of the city of Rethymno, and con­sti­tuted a long-last­ing set­tle­ment. In the con­text of these in­ves­ti­ga­tions, and on the ba­sis of the cur­rent data, it is noted that the Mi­noan set­tle­ment arose mainly on the two low fer­tile hills, “Kakavella” and “Tsik­ouri­ana”. Clear in­di­ca­tions of in­hab­i­ta­tion, al­beit lim­ited, are also found in the area along the coastal zone of Stavromenos.

Ex­ten­sive one-storey and two-storey build­ings with elab­o­rate ar­chi­tec­ture and con­struc­tion in­no­va­tions, work­shop fa­cil­i­ties, cer­e­mo­nial pits and rub­bish dumps have grad­u­ally come to light on the two hills. Their use ex­tended from at least the EM III / MM I pe­riod up / un­til to LM IIIC. The in­ter­est lies in the fact that three clear suc­ces­sive shifts in time and space took place at the Hamalevri set­tle­ment. As a re­sult of this move­ment, cer­tain Mi­noan dwellings were erected and de­vel­oped at dif­fer­ent lo­ca­tions.

The gen­eral prin­ci­ples gov­ern­ing the change of set­tle­ment sites sug­gest con­scious and or­ga­nized choices, the sym­bolic di­men­sions of which may re­flect per­cep­tions and strate­gies which so­cial groups de­velop be­tween past and pre­sent and be­tween cur­rent aims and an­ces­tral pres­tige. As such, a very in­ter­est­ing field of re­search is emerg­ing. Clearly, and as ev­i­denced by this pre­lim­i­nary study of Hamalevri, it con­cerns the so­cial prac­tices of the res­i­den­tial space and the nat­ural en­vi­ron­ment.

These prac­tices de­pend on the con­fig­u­ra­tion of liv­ing and ac­tion con­di­tions, al­ways within the con­text of his­tor­i­cal-cul­tural co­or­di­nates and cir­cum­stances dur­ing pre­his­toric times.