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TITLE Ο άλλος-εαυτός στον Ερωτόκριτο
AUTHOR Καλλίνης Γιώργος
LANGUAGE Ελληνικά / Greek
PUBLISH DATE 30.12.2017
KEYWORDS ειδυλλιακό και ιπποτικό ρομάντζο, ταξίδι, πόλεμος, ταυτότητα, Σαρακηνός, ετεροποίηση
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The ex­is­tence of an­other world is one of the ba­sic char­ac­ter­is­tics of me­dieval and Re­nais­sance idyl­lic ro­mance. A young cou­ple in love is forced, mainly by their par­ents, who strongly op­pose their mar­riage, to be sep­a­rated. The hero, the hero­ine, or both, leave their coun­try and travel abroad try­ing to re­de­fine their iden­tity in seek­ing for ac­cep­tance. In Vit­sent­zos Ko­rnaros’s Ero­tokri­tos, how­ever, the only jour­neys of the main hero to Egri­pos re­main a mys­tery. The world of the “other” is to­tally ab­sent. It is the war that takes the place of the travel. When Ro­tokri­tos hears that Athens is at war with Vlachia, he comes back as a Sara­cen, as the “other” of the west­ern Eu­ro­pean ro­mance, a for­eign knight in his own coun­try. “Oth­er­ing” him­self, he fights the en­emy in or­der to gain the place he de­serves, show­ing that the for­eigner is no other than the self.